JAN 16 – FEB 9, 2025
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 18th, 2pm – 4pm
TROCH, BRIAN BAXTER, ALAN SIRULNIKOFF, ALANNA WOOD | Unshuttered: From Lens to Print (photography)
Four local Sunshine Coast photographers with diverse approaches and individual philosophies unite to explore photography as an art form. Photographs, which are so common in our everyday life, become an art form rather than a form of advertisement or entertainment because of their content, the photographer’s mindset, the message, and the composition. Using a variety of techniques, tools, and processes, troch, Brian Baxter, Alan Sirulnikoff, and Alanna Wood illustrate the diversity of photography as an artistic medium. The photograph as an exhibited object challenges the viewer to stop, look, see and contemplate.
Echoing a deep connection with nature and a modicum of subversive commentary, troch’s traditional silver gelatin print photography utilizes special darkroom techniques and manipulations, including multiple high exposures, high contrast, lith printing and chromo.
Capturing reflections of colours, patterns, textures, and compositions, Brian Baxter draws on a form of meditation called Miksang, in which the artist trusts their heart to see and records quickly before the process of restriction or overthinking takes over. A larger composite of images appears, suggesting further possibilities for abstraction and for insight.
Using slide films and natural light as illumination, in this series of work titled Stilled Life Alan Sirulnikoff highlights a connection with the subject of an image at a precise moment in time, evoking something beyond what might be seen at first glance; an underlying remnant, a Stilled Life.
When out in the community Alanna Wood photographs whatever subject has caught her attention, and when at home, she sets up vignettes and photographs still lifes, sometimes using the image altering/enhancing tools provided by her cell phone camera. All of her photographs are taken with just the camera in her cell phone.