Nov 30 – Dec 23, 2023
Opening Reception: Sat. Dec. 2, 12 noon – 2pm
One of our favourite exhibitions, featuring the creative work of GPAG members. All current and new members are welcome to submit their work for our annual fundraising exhibition.
In addition to celebrating the artistry of our members, Present Tense supports local artists and the Gallery. Members are invited to submit one original piece for this show in the Main Gallery and up to four pieces of tiny art in Joe’s Lounge (formerly the library lounge).
All work included in the exhibition must be listed for sale and the Gallery will take a 30% sales commission. This exhibition is open to all members artists/makers/creative people in all mediums including paintings, photographs, drawings, prints, mixed media, sculpture, fibre arts, wood work. It’s a great way to support the Gallery and show off your work!
To watch a video of this exhibition, see our YouTube channel.