August 1 – August 25, 2024

JEFF WILSON | North by Northwest

Illustrating narratives around the history and life cycles of the North coast of BC, Jeff Wilson’s exhibition is inspired by his time spent immersed in the landscapes of BC’s coast during his 2023 Cassiar Cannery Long Art Residence. The North coast economy has long revolved around natural resource exploitation and trade, leaving the area susceptible to changes largely out of the control of its residents, and creating a particular and unique history of boom and bust economics. Wilson’s large scale acrylic paintings illustrate how this boom and bust pattern expresses itself in a natural and built legacy unique to this part of BC. The continued presence of traditional North coast industries, the legacy of unsustainable practices, the evolution of modern resource-based industries, and the adaptations of wildlife to modern patterns of land use, critical components of all maritime communities’ histories and landscapes, are explored in the unique context of BC’s North coast.

Originally from Edinburgh, Scotland, Jeff Wilson trained as a structural geologist and worked in mineral exploration before settling in Vancouver. Working as a full-time artist since 2013, Wilson has exhibited his work in solo exhibitions throughout BC, Alberta, and Washington State, and in group exhibitions in BC, Washington State, and Italy. In 2016 Wilson exhibited a collection of paintings based on a previous artist residency in the Shetland Islands at the Gibsons Public Art Gallery.

Check out our YouTube channel for a video of this exhibition.

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