2003 | Beginnings
In June 2003, Bodhi Drope approached mayor, Barry Janyk, with the idea of establishing a public art gallery for the community of Gibsons. The town supported the gallery with a gift of $1000.00.
Murray Drope negotiated with John de Kleer and he agreed to house the new public art gallery in the Quay Building.
The 2003 Policies and Procedures were written by Donna Hobbs, Esther North, and Deb Pepper.
The Board applied for BC Non- Profit Society status and Federal Charitable Tax Status.
Roger Handling of Terra Firma designed our GPAG Logo.
Bodhi Drope curated the 1st Invitational Art Show, in September, which exhibited the work of sixteen Coast artists. Celia Fisher, SCRD Director, cut the ribbon and the doors opened!
A Show Committee was established of hard working volunteers, who selected exhibitions as well as hung and dismantled them.
Cate Rimmer of Emily Carr’s Charles H. Scott Gallery gave Curatorial lessons and installed 3 exhibitions at GPAG , thanks to a BC Arts Council grant.
The Spinners and Weavers Guild found a place for its looms at GPAG for the next 18 months.
Memberships were $10 for an individual and $20 for a family. The goal was 200 founding members!
The first Board of Directors was formed including:
President, Patricia Drope
Vice President, Adrianne Anderson