June 25 – July 19, 2015

THE GARDEN | Out of Bounds Fibre Art

Opening reception: Saturday June 27, 2 PM – 4 PM

“The garden is a cultural metaphor millennia old. It has evoked some of the greatest art ever made, and has been especially important to Western culture as the Industrial Revolution spread its tarmac and toxins through the landscape. In all cultures it carries significant spiritual weight. Out of Bounds Fibre Art, however, is interested in the garden for quite personal reasons. Here on the Sunshine Coast, we all have and love our gardens. For us, quilting and gardening fulfill the same important purpose: aesthetic and tangible nourishment!”

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Support for Gibsons Public Art Gallery continues to be strong thanks to the generosity of the individuals and businesses who make up our community. This support has allowed GPAG to thrive, grow and support the arts community on the Sunshine Coast.